18:16:36 Connecting to: ftp.sdabg.tv as user news@sdabg.org (2) 18:16:36 < 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ---------- 18:16:36 < 220-You are user number 1 of 50 allowed. 18:16:36 < 220-Local time is now 18:16. Server port: 21. 18:16:36 < 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login 18:16:36 < 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity. 18:16:37 Connected 18:16:37 > USER news@sdabg.org 18:16:37 < 331 User news@sdabg.org OK. Password required 18:16:37 > PASS ******** 18:16:37 < 230 OK. Current restricted directory is / 18:16:37 > PWD 18:16:37 < 257 "/" is your current location 18:16:37 Directory is "/" 18:16:37 remote dir: 18:16:38 > CWD / 18:16:38 < 250 OK. Current directory is / 18:16:38 remote dir: 18:16:38 > TYPE I 18:16:38 < 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary 18:16:38 > PASV 18:16:38 < 227 Entering Passive Mode (79,124,76,25,19,155) 18:16:38 ! Upload Size 4,01K 18:16:38 > STOR sitemap.xml 18:16:38 < 150 Accepted data connection 18:16:38 < 226-File successfully transferred 18:16:38 < 226 0.028 seconds (measured here), 145.32 Kbytes per second 18:16:38 ! 4,01Kbytes received/sent in 62 milliseconds 18:16:38 > TYPE A 18:16:38 < 200 TYPE is now ASCII 18:16:38 > PASV 18:16:38 < 227 Entering Passive Mode (79,124,76,25,183,153) 18:16:38 ! Upload Size 39,1K 18:16:38 > STOR home.html 18:16:38 < 150 Accepted data connection 18:16:38 < 226-File successfully transferred 18:16:38 < 226 0.124 seconds (measured here), 312.50 Kbytes per second 18:16:38 ! 39,1Kbytes received/sent in 156 milliseconds 18:16:38 > CWD / 18:16:38 < 250 OK. Current directory is / 18:16:38 > CWD documents/ 18:16:38 < 250 OK. Current directory is /documents 18:16:38 > PWD 18:16:38 < 257 "/documents" is your current location 18:16:38 Directory is "/documents" 18:16:38 > TYPE A 18:16:38 < 200 TYPE is now ASCII 18:16:38 > PASV 18:16:38 < 227 Entering Passive Mode (79,124,76,25,139,9) 18:16:38 ! Upload Size 26,3K 18:16:38 > STOR textstyles.css 18:16:38 < 150 Accepted data connection 18:16:38 < 226-File successfully transferred 18:16:38 < 226 0.094 seconds (measured here), 276.54 Kbytes per second 18:16:38 ! 26,3Kbytes received/sent in 125 milliseconds 18:16:38 > QUIT 18:16:38 < 221-Goodbye. You uploaded 69 and downloaded 0 kbytes. 18:16:38 < 221 Logout. Uploaded: 3/3 (69/69 kBytes) Downloaded: 0/0 (0 kBytes) Failed: 0