Vance Ferrell
preparing and mailing out "Trained to be a Secret Agent", we have received the
following materials.
first one comes from the East Coast. It is from a faithful Adventist and
is included in a personal letter from him. His father was a Seventh-day
Adventist minister, many years ago:
was pastor of the Oakland, California, Church when the Pacific Press was
located there. [The Pacific Press was located in Oakland from 1875 to
1904: following that date it has been in Mountain View.] Father was a very
friendly person and if possible made friends with all the clergy including
the Catholic priests.
Catholic priest was also very friendly, and he had many talks with father.
"One day he came to father and said, 'Rev. Gardner, I've got
something interesting to tell you!”
replied, 'Tell me about it!”
he said, 'You know, we had rather a big meeting this week, and we
discussed your church.'
then he continued: 'We discussed other denominations also. We discussed
how we could infiltrate each of the denominations with the Jesuits -our
priests.' “And then he said: 'One of our priests arose and said,
“There is no problem in infiltrating all the denominations except one.
That's the Seventh-day Adventists. The reason we cannot do it, is that as
long as their prophetess is alive -she will put her finger on our men, as
soon as we make the first step in that direction."
he said, 'So we made no plans farther in that direction.' "I
thought you would be interested in this true story."
United States.
second communication is a paper prepared very recently by David Lin. Here
it is:
JESUIT INFILTRATION: One 'rumor' causing concern among Adventists is
that there are Jesuit agents among our church officials and educators.
is reported that a Jesuit priest converted to the Baptist faith divulged
this information.
assert that this is untrue and unfounded does not satisfy most lay people,
simply because it is just as hard to disprove as it is to verify such a
the problem can be studied from another angle. I propose to ask: (1) Is it
possible for Jesuit agents to enter our ranks as church officials or
educators? And then, (2) Js it probable?
venture to say that it is entirely possible for secret agents to
infiltrate the Seventh-day Adventist organization. The following episode
during my tenure in office of secretary of the China Division shows how
easily a special agent of any kind can enter one of our institutions:
1950, our Chiaotouzhen Training School was struggling to keep going with
a reduced teaching staff, when word was received that a recent convert
baptized in an effort in Hong Kong offered to connect with the school as a
teacher of Social Science. The evangelist, who recommended him, reported
that he had a Ph.D. degree and would be a real asset to the cause. So the
school board voted to employ the learned professor. I visited with him
after he came. In his photo album I saw pictures of this man dressed in
military attire, taken in Italy. But I did not suspect that he was
anything but a learned scholar.
the young people who attended his classes soon nick-named him 'Dr. Punk,'
because they had sized him up, and knew that he was just an empty-headed
dumbbell. But the head of our school prized him as the only Ph.D. on his
staff,even though no one ventured to examine his diploma. We just believe
what the preacher in Hong Kong told us. After about a year, the true
identity of this 'scholar' came to light. He was a Kuomingtang agent
engaged in counter-revolutionary activities. He had even brought a
bodyguard disguised as a student.
his arrest, if anyone had said that there were undercover political agents
in our ranks, I would have denied it. But now I've learned to be wiser,
because the fact is: In the face of secret infiltration, the Seventh-day
Adventist organization is wholly defenseless. We have no
counter-espionage system, and, of course, we don't want one; simply
because we are organized to spread the gospel.
if and when a secret set-up such as the Society of Jesus [the Roman
Catholic Jesuits] makes up its mind to infiltrate us, we make an easy
victim -the easiest in the world.
Now to the next question: Is it probable?
Considering that the third angel's message is most effective in exposing
the papal man of sin, and remembering what the Society of Jesus was
founded for, we may safely say that it is highly probable that the Jesuits
have picked the Seventh-day Adventist Church as one of their chief
targets, and even now their secret agents occupy important posts in our
I were a modern Jesuit chief, I would certainly regard the Seventh-day
Adventists as one of the greatest obstacles to papal ambitions for
Worldly supremacy. So I would concentrate a strong task force to alter the
teachings, cripple the finances, and control the leadership of this
different parts of the world, I would enlist, say, 10,000 Catholic youth
to attend Seventh-day Adventist evangelistic efforts, be baptized, and
then enroll in Seventh-day Adventist colleges and seminaries. I would
instruct them to study hard, graduate with honors and then apply for work
as preachers and teachers. They would be taught how to undermine the
Adventist doctrines, destroy the influence of Ellen White, convert the
Adventist educational system, and sever Adventist hospitals [from the
long-term global program would have as its goal the complete subversion of
the Seventh-day Adventist Church in one generation. In all this, I would
have the blessing of the pope and almost limitless funds.
Preposterous? Not at all. It is highly probable.
fact, the present state of things among us seems to indicate that just
such a program was initiated as early as 1950. I dare say that if the
Jesuits are engaged in a less ambitious scheme, they would be unworthy
of the Jesuit name, for the Oath of the Knights of Columbus binds every
Jesuit to destroy all 'heretics' by every means possible.
IT I?:
Another 'rumor' is that our administrative officials are 'tainted
with papalism.' Unlike the first 'rumor,' which is a question of fact,
this one is a matter of opinion. But it is neither untrue nor unfounded,
because of certain incidents which would have been unthinkable 40 years
ago;- but have now become church history: Such as 'our' audience with the
pope and the gold medallion we presented to him. It is said that when our
official representative called on the Roman pontiff, he addressed him as
'holy father.' This detail may be hard to verify, but I dare say it too is
highly probable, because many Adventists are already accustomed to address
Catholic priests as 'father' so-and-so. So why all the fuss about adding a
'holy' or 'most holy' to it? We are just following accepted social
practice. And anyway, 'pope' and 'papacy' are derived from 'papa.' Perhaps
ten years from now it won't be necessary to deny that we are 'tainted with
papalism,' as then it will be quite natural for us all to admire the pope
and call him 'holy father.'
there are concerned lay members who would, by God's help, arrest such a
dangerous trend, this 'rumor' is being kept alive. But it should be
pointed out that the responsibility for it does not rest with our lay
members, but with those who arranged for that audience with the pope. To
say that the men who conceived such a move are 'tainted with papalism,' is
no exaggeration, and if our leaders have any sense of responsibility
toward God and His people, they should not attempt to deny or excuse this
shameful 'taint,' but should humble themselves before God and publicly
confess that they have offended Him by befriending the power which has
spoken blasphemy against the Most High and is drunken with the blood of
His saints. Every true Seventh-day Adventist will refuse to follow the
leadership of any man who claims to be a son of God, but in fact honors
the man of sin by calling him 'father.'
is understandable that if the two 'rumors' mentioned above continue to be
circulated, an air of mutual suspicion will prevail, and the 'morale of
leadership' will suffer. But again, we insist that the source of trouble
is not the lay people, but the men whose words and actions furnish ground
for such rumors. If they continue to make friendly overtures to Babylon
and her daughters on the one hand and make 'categorical' denials of any
such leanings on the other, the lay people certainly will not be
deceived. A sorry state of affairs may develop in which our watchmen
must be watched, lest they fail to detect the approach of danger and open
the city gates to let the enemy in.
I present is not fantasy, but reality. We face serious problems. Unfounded
rumors need not worry us, -but a single 'rumor' arising from historical
facts is something which cannot be silenced by a thousand denials.
must ponder the question, 'When the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith
on the earth?' Instead of pointing the finger at the supposed source of
rumors, let each of us rather ask, 'Lord, is it I?' Am I in word and deed
an unwitting ally of the enemy of souls? Am I among the 'wheat' or the
'chaff'? After all, there were false brethren in the days of the apostles,
and 'men of Belial' among the braves who sided with David when he fled
from Saul. So it is not strange to discover some traitors among us. Only
let every soul determine to be among the 'called, chosen and faithful.'
in every crisis, God has His Calebs and Joshuas. "Be it Jesuit
infiltration or internal apostasy, what should we do about it? Sigh and
cry? Yes, but the crying should not be confined to weeping, for the Lord
says, Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like trumpet, and shew My
people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins."
Isaiah 58: 1. 'Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the
Lord of hosts.' Will He take care of His Church-and thoroughly purge His
floor.' "
Lin, China January 27, 1984
are not acquainted with the report of a Jesuit priest who, following a
genuine conversion, revealed his former complicity as a Jesuit agent.
But we have heard a number of other stories. Some have been told us by
faithful Adventists, who encountered them first-hand, generally in local
denominational medical or educational institutions. And this is understandable,
for on such campuses, our people come in closer proximity than elsewhere
and learn things they would not otherwise know.
is important to note that the incident at the Chiaotouzhen Training School
did not involve Jesuits. They would never be guilty of such a clumsy imposture.
The Kuomintang (the Nationalist Party of China) was started in 1912, a
year after the Revolution took place.
Jesuits operate differently: They select very young people who are
fanatically zealous for the papacy, and then carefully train them for
their future work. After completing espionage-training school, they are
sent out to be "converted" and begin schooling for positions
of employment in the denomination they have been assigned to.
are those who simply cannot believe that the loathsome duplicity of the
Dark Ages is being practiced today. "Surely," say many,
"the evil ways of Rome in past centuries have been buried. The objectives
and practices of the Vatican and its leaders have changed in recent times.
The treachery and barbarism of earlier ages are no more to be found at
its council tables and in its secret missions."
the truth is that the Church of the Dark Ages continues to be as dark as
ever. "Romanism is now regarded by Protestants with far greater favor
than in former years. . The opinion is gaining ground, that, after all, we
do not differ so widely upon vital points as has been supposed, and that a
little concession on our part will bring us into a better understanding
with Rome.
defenders of the papacy declare that the church has been maligned; and the
Protestant world are inclined to accept the statement. Many urge that it
is unjust to judge the church of today by the abominations and absurdities
that marked her reign during the centuries of ignorance and darkness. They
excuse her horrible cruelty as the result of the barbarism of the times,
and plead that the influence of modern civilization has changed her
sentiments.” The Great Controversy -PG- 563
Roman Church is far-reaching in her plans and modes of operation. She is
employing every device to extend her influence and increase her power in
preparation for a fiercer and determined conflict to regain control of the
world, to re-establish persecution, and to undo all that Protestantism has
done. Catholicism is gaining ground on every side. . The Roman Church now
presents a fair front to the world, covering with apologies her record
of horrible cruelties. She has clothed herself in Christ-like garments;
but she is unchanged. Every principle of the papacy that existed in past
ages exists today. . Her spirit is no less cruel and despotic now than
when she crushed out human liberty, and slew the saints of the Most
High.” The Great Controversy -PG- 565
about Secret Agents Part 3