explosion of lay missionary work is taking place in Brazil, and it is
spreading to other South American countries.
crisis came when Seventh-day Adventist Church members wanted to preach
the third angel's message in public evangelistic meetings.
were told not to do this.
also wanted to distribute missionary literature, which taught our
historic message.
were commanded not to do that either. So they did it anyway,
denominational leaders in Brazil were horrified, for they feared that
such activity could disturb Catholic and political leaders in the
nation. They considered it an act of rebellion. Yet we need not be
surprised at this, in yesterday's mail, I received this prayer request
from somewhere in America: "We also request your prayers. We have
been sending out missionary books and the conference has said if we
send any more books out, they will take away our branch Sabbath School
the faithful in Brazil refused to stop, in some instances, entire local
churches were disfellowshipped.
In others, when they were told that they could not preach the truth in
Adventist churches, they simply went down the street, rented a building,
began worshiping and preaching there, and using it as a staging area for
widespread literature distribution. One Catholic priest has already
joined them.
I write this, there are now about 42 or 43 congregations in Brazil,
which are no longer, connected with the denomination. One has over 150
members. They did not want to be separate; but they had to obey our
historic, Bible/Spirit of Prophecy teachings, calling on them to share
the truth about the law of God and the Bible Sabbath.
people are so on fire for historic Adventism, that they are going
beyond many of us here in the States. They are posting thousands of
signs on public streets, in bus stations, train stations, and close to
government buildings,-which declare that the seventh day is the true
Sabbath and God's sign to the world, plus an address where to contact
them. Their literature explains the entire Sabbath message, similar to
what you will find in the Sabbath study in the back of our Steps to
Christ and the newspaper ads we make available.
one instance, a congregation was told, "You can't preach this,
because it is not authorized by the Adventist Church!" They
replied that they were going to do it anyway. "Then we will send
the police to arrest you!" was the response.
the demand of Adventist Church leaders, the police came to the
independent church leaders. "Why are they sending us to you?"
inquired the police, "Because we are preaching the message of the
church," was the reply. 'Just keep on preaching:' the police
said. "Don't worry, there are people in the police who are watching
what you are doing and are favorable to it."
other churches, as mentioned earlier, when they refused to obey a church
order to stop publicly preaching the third angel's message, entire
churches were disfellowshipped. They immediately rented meetinghouses
for worship and evangelistic meetings, and kept at their work, Similar
experiences are repeatedly taking place elsewhere,
lay church is growing faster than the conference churches in Brazil!
That should not be surprising, since the conference churches are
forbidden to distinctly share the message with anyone.
Fearful of being cast out of the church, their members obey. They
fear the wrath of leadership more than they respect the plain commands
of God. In past years, we have reported on similar developments in
parts of America.
of the fact that both branches of the Adventist Reform Movement have
their largest number of members in Germany and Brazil (with relatively
few in North America and elsewhere), I inquired whether one or the
other of those branches might try to penetrate these separated groups
and take control of them.
was told that the laymen are being kicked out of the Reform Church just
as fast as out of the main church! The reason: The leaders of both the
General Conference churches and the Adventist Reform churches are
frightened at what they cannot control-and
neither want the third angel's message preached to the public!
addition, none of those leaders want the book, Great Controversy, or
portions of it, widely circulated.
number of faithful believers have left the Reform Church and united
with the faithful. They too want to have a part in giving the final
message, something that is not done in the Reform Church.
leaders have told the active laymen that, if they want to return, they
must submit to church control and do what they are told to do, and stop
doing what they are told not to do.
November, the first continent-wide lay church meeting was held in Sao
Paulo, a city of 18 million. It was attended by over 450 believers
from Brazil, Peru, Chili, Argentina, and Paraguay.
week (I am writing this on January 29, 2002), a ten-day meeting was held
in Renacka, Chile (close to Vina del Mar, not far from Santiago). Chile
has about eight lay churches and is growing fast. A congregation of
about 250 was earlier disfellowshipped in Renacka, for preaching the
third angers message. On January 30 to February 2, another meeting will
be held; this one in San Jose, Costa Rica. It will be attended by
believers from both South and Central America.
large international meeting is scheduled for May. Those believers are
discovering that they are not alone! All this time, it seemed to each
little group that they were the only ones in the world that loved the
Bible and Spirit of Prophecy, practiced health reform principles,
and wanted to preach the third angel's message. -But now the little
groups have discovered one another, and they are discovering us also!
we are going to help them! As soon as I learned about this, by faith, I
offered to help them produce a Portuguese translation of our book, World
Crisis Foretold. We will provide the funds with which to translate it;
and, at no charge, we will also arrange the final text and layout, and
make all arrangements for printing.
don't have the money to do this; but, by faith, we must move forward.
You know it and we know it. God's truth for this time in history must
go to the people of Brazil! We cannot wait for our church publishing
houses to decide to take such messages available, and at such a low
can have a part also! We may have to help pay for the first print run.
Working together, we accomplish more.
together, we move forward by faith, our heavenly Father will open
doors. making it possible to do all that is needed.
those little groups in South and Central America thought they were
alone. But now they are finding they are not. I say to our friends who
will read this report we send to North America, Britain, Europe,
Australia. New Zealand. Singapore. Japan, and the Philippines.-you are
not alone either!
only are we united in the faith of the Bible, Spirit of Prophecy, and
Third Angel's Message,-but we have all heaven on our side!
pressing forward. Give the message in every way you can. If you cannot
preach, hand out the precious books containing the message. Do not
slacken, do not weary, do not give up. There is resting by and by, but
not in this world. We must keep at our work.
did something similar in the mid-1980s for a group of Koreans living in
the States. They wanted a translation of Great Controversy (and later
Ministry of Healing). We cared for all the details in getting it
printed, at no charge, and they paid for the print run. We are so
thankful for any part we might have in these projects.
political climate is such now in Central and South America, that the
Catholic Church does not have the power it used to have. Yet our church
leaders remain frightened. It
would appear as if they have entered into agreements not to give the
divisive Sabbath message publicly.
that should come as no surprise, for our General Conference has
maintained close ecumenical contacts with the Vatican and other major
denominations, extending back to 1967.
Its close contacts with the World Council of Churches (WCC) go back to
the late 1950s.
a very large collection of historical and documentary evidence
relating to this. see our Seventh day Adventist/Vatican Ecumenical
Involvement set of two books: Book 1: History. 80 pp. ($6.00 + $2.50);
Book 2: Documents. 146 pp. ($11.00 + $3.00).
addition, we entered into a formal agreement at WCC headquarters in
Geneva several years ago, to tone down our public presentations of the
Bible Sabbath,
a teaching which is divisive and causes our Protestant/Catholic friends
to dislike us.
more on this, see Secret Interchurch Planning Agreement IWM-906] and
Update on the Secret Interchurch Planning Agreement [WM-914].
Ellen White's time, we were anxious to defend the truth and proclaim
it. In our time, we are anxious not to lose the many friends we have
made through interfaith dialogues and at WCC committees in Geneva.
concern of the faithful in Brazil is how to unite their interests in
giving our precious Bible/Spirit of Prophecy truths to the world. In
order to do this, they are starting. what they call “Acts of the
Apostles churches," with lay pastors. They are preaching.
distributing literature, and winning souls
- which are then taken, by baptism, into their churches. They are
doing what the denomination refuses to do, and God is blessing their efforts.
anyone wants to preach, that person must not only be fully grounded and
orthodox in his understanding and presentation of our historic beliefs
and standards, but he and his family must personally practice
healthful living in diet, etc. He can be a member of the church while
eating junk food, but he will not be permitted to preach. We need
standards like that in America. On all levels, we have too many meat
eaters in offices, where they should not be.
White predicted that both separation and unity would be seen in our
ranks. We are seeing that today. Throughout the world field, our people
are separating themselves into two classes: one which wants to be as
close to the world as it can; the other which wants to serve the God of
heaven. She also said that we must draw warmth from the coldness of
others. Our zeal must increase as we near the end of time.
powerful messages must be given, urging our people to take hold of the
work and give the final message to the world. I intend to continue
having a part in this. I believe you intend to also.
faithful ones south of the border were told, for years, that "the
time to give the message has not come yet." Finally, they were
convicted that they could wait no longer-and they began giving it as
earnestly as they can. They refuse to go back to sleep. This is a lesson
for us. We are told, in Desire of Ages, that the people were impressed
with John the Baptist because he was a blazing light. Just as they are
doing down south, we too must do right where we are. We must give the
message as earnestly as we can. No pausing, no turning back, no taking
time to quibble with those who fear the results.
do we each one stand in this matter? Will you also share the message as
widely as you can through conversations, handing out books, doing
whatever it takes to give the final message to those in your area of
contact? Yesterday, a man phoned and ordered a case of International
Meat Crisis and, then, asked to speak to the author. I discussed the
subject with him for a few minutes, then I mentioned our Evolution
Cruncher. He said that, for all he knew, evolution was right. He added
that, although he was an atheist, he was open-minded. So I told him my
view of the matter: Evolution
teaches that everything was made by random chance, and I maintain that
anything made by chance can be made by a trained scientist in a well-equipped
laboratory in an hour and a half.
truth of that sentence stunned him. Excited, he said he wanted my book.
Then I told him about the Bible Sabbath, and he wanted books on that
also. We included Beyond Pitcairn, Great Controversy, and Desire of
Ages in the package sent to him. Wherever you are, every day, you can do
a lot! This morning, another man phoned and wanted to speak with the
author of our books on the meat crisis. I discussed all the above with
him, and he was very interested. Every day you and I have opportunities
to speak and share literature!
was when faithful brethren here in the States began sending books and
literature down there, that the awakening started among the Adventist
churches there. Do not forget that. Books are powerful! Never
underestimate their power-not only in the world. but in the church as
well. The printed words of truth enable men to become free from Satan's
begin thinking for themselves, as they begin reading and obeying the
Word of God.
want to tell you about the progress of our book, ‘World Crisis
Foretold’. This will be a powerful, low-cost book, when it is printed.
Earlier this week, I sent the complete sheets of the typeset English and
Spanish editions to a friend on the West Coast, so a final proofing of
the Spanish edition could be made. As soon as it is returned, we will
send it to the printing house. We ask for your continued help to carry
this project through. ( Note- it is now printed!)
mentioned last month, we also need funds with which to print
‘Defending God’, a powerful book which directly answers the three
leading charges against the goodness of God: (1) The error that He
causes the suffering in our world. (2) The error that He will burn
people as soon as they die, and will continue doing it forever. (3) The
error that He has no moral laws governing us, yet holds us responsible
for our sins.
it is given to the people, the Word of God is powerful. If we leave it
on our shelves, that power is locked within its closed pages. Ancient
Israel did that for centuries -refusing to share their faith-until they
were taken into captivity and only a remnant survived.
us learn our lesson while there is still time. God is testing character.
He has given us the truth. What will we do with it?
a time of great apostasy among the people of God. Caleb stood firm (Num.
13:30-14:9). He defended God's truth, even though it was at the risk
of His life (Num. 14:10). The end result was not pleasant (Num.
14:37-38). Those experiences are examples for us today (1 Cor. 10:6).
all these things happened unto them for ensamples; and they are written
for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he
fall."-1 Corinthians 10:11-12.
was Caleb's faith that gave him courage, that kept him from the fear of
man, and enabled him to stand boldly and unflinchingly in the defense
of the right. Through reliance on the same Power, the mighty General of
the armies of heaven, every true soldier of the cross may receive
strength and courage to overcome the obstacles that seem
insurmountable."-Review. May 30. 1912; 1 Bible Commentary. 1113.
have been greatly needed in different periods of the history of our
work. Today we need men of thorough fidelity, men who follow the Lord
fully, men who are not disposed to be silent when they ought to speak,
who are as true as steel to principle, who do not seek to make a
pretentious show, but who walk humbly with God, patient, kind, obliging.
courteous men, who understand that the science of prayer is to exercise
faith and show works that will tell to the glory of God and the good of
His people. . To follow Jesus requires wholehearted conversion at the
start, and a repetition of this conversion every day."-Letter 39.
1899; 1 Bible Commentary. 1113.
not that the giving of the Three Angels' Messages are of little
importance! It was to do this work that the God of heaven brought our
denomination into existence!
is not rebellion against God to stand free, if need be, in order to give
those messages to the world. In stark contrast, it is rebellion of the
worst sort to try to prohibit God's people from doing so.
faithful ones are those who accept the message and give the message!
"God has called His church in this day, as He called ancient
Israel, to stand as a light in the earth. By the mighty cleaver of
truth, the messages of the first, second, and third angels, He has separated
them from the churches and from the world to bring them into a sacred
nearness to Himself. He has made them the depositaries of His law and
has committed to them the great truths of prophecy for this time. Like
the holy oracles committed to ancient Israel, these are a sacred trust
to be communicated to the world. The three angels of Revelation 14
represent the people who accept the light of God's messages and go forth
as His agents to sound the warning throughout the length and breadth of
the earth." -5 Testimonies. 455-456.
we depart from these messages, and refuse to give them, we lose our
connection with heaven:
who embraced the third message had not had an experience in the two
former messages. Satan understood this. and his evil eye was upon them
to overthrow them; but the third angel was pointing them to the Most
Holy Place, and those who had had an experience in the past messages
were pointing them the way to the heavenly Sanctuary.
saw the perfect chain of truth in the angels' messages, and gladly
received them in their order, and followed Jesus by faith into the
heavenly Sanctuary. These messages were represented to me as an anchor
to the people of God. Those who understand and receive them will be kept
from being swept away by the many delusions of Satan."-Early
Writings. 256.
message of the third angel is to prepare a people to stand in these days
of peril. It is to be proclaimed with a loud voice and is to accomplish
a work which few realize."-8 Testimonies. 94.
third angel is leading out and purifying a people, and they should move
with him unitedly." Testimonies to Ministers. 488.
will be the primary way these messages will be given to the world:
FIRST ANGEL’S MESSAGE-"They are among the agencies represented by
the angel flying 'in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting
gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation.
and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God,
and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come: Revelation
SECOND ANGEL’S MESSAGE-"From them is to go forth the terrible
denunciation: 'Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because
she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication:
Verse 8.
THIRD ANGEL’S MESSAGE- "They are represented by the third angel
that followed, 'saying with a loud voice. If any man worship the beast
and his image. and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God: Verses 9-10.
FOURTH ANGEL’S MESSAGE- "And in a large degree through our
publishing houses is to be accomplished the work of that other angel who
comes down from heaven with great power and who lightens the earth with
his glory."-7 Testimonies. 140.
Latest on- Explosion in Brazil!
keeps happening in South America, with the epicenter of the quake taking
place in Brazil:
3,000 laymen in Brazil are now awake and have cast off the restraints of
church workers who want them to stop sharing the third angel's message
about the law, the Sabbath, and the mark of the beast. As mentioned in
our first announcement of these developments (Explosion in Brazil [WM1068]).
published in March. they have been forced out of their local churches
because they are doing this.
are close to a hundred lay churches in Brazil alone. . There is now 15
or 20 new lay churches in Chili alone. . There is a growing number in
other South American nations. . Conference leaders are now urging local
Adventist Churches to hold religious services on Sunday morning! Some
larger congregations in El Salvador are now doing this.
a fairly recent Ecumenical Council held in South America, Catholic
officials complained to Adventist Church leaders about the activities of
the lay Adventists. They did not like their message and they did not
appreciate the fact that so many Catholics are being converted. In
response, Adventist Church leaders said, "We'll take care of
them!" But, so far, they have not been able to fulfill that promise.
medical missionary work is now flourishing in those areas where the
laymen are coming alive and getting to work.
donated a 500-acre property, to be used as a medical missionary training
center. As I write, it is being prepared for use.
very large number of faithful laymen have stopped using the
denominational Sabbath School Quarterlies, because those publications do
not adhere to Adventist standards and beliefs. . The laymen say they are
tired of reading quotations by Billy Graham and Protestant and Catholic
theologians in the quarterly, as proof of liberal Adventist positions.
Relatively few quotations from the Spirit of Prophecy are to be found.
These problems are in both the Spanish and Portuguese editions.
stopped using the Senior Quarterly when, in the June 2001 lessons, it
said that the Godhead could have a feminine member in it.
Friday lesson of the last week in that quarterly mentioned the
importance of the Virgin Mary's intercession. That was obviously written
to please Catholic leaders, but it caused many believers to throwaway
their quarterlies.
faithful brethren who have chosen to arouse themselves to do the work
God has commanded for this "time in history need, our help. Our
publishing expertise is needed, and we are determined to help. You will
recall that we earlier stated that we are going to begin preparation of
a Portuguese edition of our book, World Crisis Foretold. A copy of both
the English and Spanish book layouts has been sent to a brother in
Brazil. He has sent word that it has arrived and he and friends have set
to work to translate the book into Portuguese.
will be an excellent very low-cost book containing our Basic Great
Controversy, Basic Sabbath Bible study, Basic Steps to Christ, and
introduction to healthful living; all of this, except for the Sabbath
Bible study, are directly from the Spirit of Prophecy.
we are going to begin a new project! A translation of Great Controversy
into Portuguese! Please pray as we move forward. We lack the funds, but
God will provide. The work must be done.
them - Brazil Project.